How Does Travel Improve Mental Health?

How Does Travel Improve Mental Health?

The Science Behind Vacation Bliss

Let’s face it – we’re all stressed out these days. While we’re pretty good at taking care of our bodies, we often forget about our minds. But here’s a fun fact: that dream vacation you’ve been putting off? It might be just what the doctor ordered for your mental health.

So, how exactly does jetting off to a new place make our brains happier? Is it just about lounging on a beach, or is there more to it? Let’s dig into the science behind why travel is so good for our minds and explore all the ways it can give our mental well-being a serious boost.

The Science of Travel and Your Brain

Scientists have been poking around this topic, and guess what? They’ve found that even just planning a trip can make you happier. Yep, you read that right – just thinking about your upcoming adventure can give you a mental health boost[1]. It’s like having a little ray of sunshine to look forward to in your daily grind.

But what happens to your brain when you actually hit the road? Well, when you’re out there experiencing new places and cultures, your brain is busy making new connections. It’s like mental gymnastics, making you more flexible in your thinking, more creative, and better at solving problems. In other words, travel literally expands your mind!

And here’s another cool thing – all that newness and excitement triggers your brain to release feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin[2]. It’s like a natural high that can make you feel happier and less stressed. Some researchers even found that nature-based vacations give you an extra happiness boost. So maybe it’s time to start planning that camping trip!

10 Ways Travel Gives Your Mental Health a High-Five

  1. Stress? What Stress?
    Ever notice how your worries seem to melt away when you’re in a new place? That’s because travel takes you out of your daily stress bubble. Whether you’re chilling on a beach or exploring a bustling city, the change of scenery helps reset your stress levels[3]. And the best part? These good vibes can last for weeks after you get back home. Need some ideas for a stress-busting getaway? Check out these tips.
  2. Creativity Boost
    Immersing yourself in new cultures is like a creativity workout for your brain. Research shows that travelling to other countries can make you more flexible in your thinking and boost your creative mojo[4]. Who knows, maybe your next big idea will hit you while you’re sipping coffee in a Parisian café!
  3. Happy Vibes
    Let’s be real – doing things you enjoy makes you happy. And travel is packed with fun experiences. Studies have found that vacationers are generally happier than homebodies[5]. The key is to really soak in those moments while you’re there. So put down your phone and enjoy that breathtaking sunset!
  4. Confidence Builder
    Remember the first time you successfully navigated a foreign subway system? Or ordered food in a language you barely speak? These little wins add up, boosting your confidence and independence[6]. Solo travel takes this to the next level – it’s like a crash course in self-reliance.
  5. Sleep Like a Baby
    Ditching your alarm clock and daily stress can do wonders for your sleep. Research shows that good vacation experiences lead to better sleep, both during and after your trip[7]. And we all know how cranky we get without enough shut-eye!
  6. Relationship Glue
    Traveling with your significant other or friends? You’re in for a treat. Shared travel experiences can bring you closer together[8]. Think about it – you’re making memories, overcoming challenges, and spending quality time together. It’s like relationship superglue! Planning a trip with your partner? Here are some reasons to consider Malta.
  7. Living in the Moment
    In our hyper-connected world, it’s hard to unplug. But travel naturally encourages you to be more present. When you’re taking in new sights, sounds, and tastes, you’re naturally more aware of your surroundings[9]. It’s mindfulness without even trying!
  8. Finding Yourself
    Sounds cliché, but it’s true – travel can lead to some serious self-discovery. Stepping out of your comfort zone gives you a chance to reflect on your life, values, and goals[10]. You might be surprised by what you learn about yourself on the road.
  9. Empathy Booster
    Meeting people from different cultures and walks of life can really open your eyes. It broadens your perspective and can make you more empathetic and understanding[11]. In today’s world, couldn’t we all use a little more of that?
  10. Work Smarter, Not Harder
    Believe it or not, taking time off can actually make you better at your job. Research shows that vacations can lead to increased job performance and well-being when you return to work[12]. So next time your boss frowns at your vacation request, tell them it’s for the good of the company! And if you’re a digital nomad, here are some tips for success.

Planning Your Mental Health Vacay

So, you’re sold on the idea of a mental health boosting trip. Great! Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Pick a place that gets you excited
  • Mix chill time with new experiences
  • Try some wellness activities like yoga or spa treatments
  • Keep your schedule flexible – over-planning can be stressful
  • Consider nature destinations – they’re great for reducing stress

Remember, the goal is to have a genuinely good time. What works for your Instagram-obsessed friend might not work for you, so do what makes you happy. Need more general travel tips? Here are 85 to get you started.

Dealing with Travel Stress

Let’s be real – travel isn’t always smooth sailing. Planning, money worries, and fear of the unknown can all add stress. Here’s how to deal:

  • Start planning early to avoid last-minute panic
  • Set a budget and stick to it
  • Do your homework about your destination
  • Learn some stress-busting techniques like deep breathing
  • Remember, perfect trips only exist on social media – embrace the unexpected!

By tackling these stress points head-on, you can make sure your trip is more bliss than bother. And if you’re a digital nomad facing unique challenges, here are some tips for overcoming them.

The Gift That Keeps on Giving

The cool thing about travel is that its benefits don’t end when your tan fades. Travel experiences can change how you see the world and contribute to your long-term happiness. Many travelers say they feel more open-minded, adaptable, and appreciative of their daily lives after a trip.

Plus, those travel memories become a source of joy long after you’ve unpacked your suitcase. Having a mental highlight reel of positive travel experiences can boost your mood and give you a mental escape when times get tough. It’s like having a happiness savings account you can dip into anytime.


From zapping stress and boosting creativity to helping you grow as a person and strengthening your relationships, travel is like a Swiss Army knife for your mental health. While it’s not a magic cure-all, making travel a regular part of your life can be a powerful way to keep your mind healthy and happy.

So next time you’re on the fence about taking that vacation, remember: it’s not just a luxury, it’s an investment in your mental health. Pack your bags, broaden your horizons, and give your mind the refresh it deserves. Future you will be saying “thanks!”

Just remember, everyone’s mental health needs are different. While travel can be incredibly beneficial, it’s important to chat with a mental health pro if you’re dealing with persistent issues. Here’s to happy and healthy travels!

Want to stay productive while globetrotting? Check out these 60 gadgets for digital nomads.


[1] Chen, C. C., & Petrick, J. F. (2013). Health and Wellness Benefits of Travel Experiences: A Literature Review. Journal of Travel Research, 52(6), 709-719.

[2] Bimonte, S., & Faralla, V. (2015). Happiness and nature-based vacations. Annals of Tourism Research, 54, 1-14.

[3] de Bloom, J., Kompier, M., Geurts, S., de Weerth, C., Taris, T., & Sonnentag, S. (2017). Do we recover from vacation? Meta-analysis of vacation effects on health and well-being. Journal of Occupational Health, 51(1), 13-25.

[4] Godart, F., Maddux, W. W., Shipilov, A. V., & Galinsky, A. D. (2015). Fashion with a foreign flair: Professional experiences abroad facilitate the creative innovations of organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 58(1), 195-220.

[5] Nawijn, J., Marchand, M. A., Veenhoven, R., & Vingerhoets, A. J. (2010). Vacationers Happier, but Most not Happier After a Holiday. Applied Research in Quality of Life, 5(1), 35-47.

[6] Stone, M. J., & Petrick, J. F. (2013). The Educational Benefits of Travel Experiences: A Literature Review. Journal of Travel Research, 52(6), 731-744.

[7] de Bloom, J., Geurts, S. A., & Kompier, M. A. (2013). Vacation (after-) effects on employee health and well-being, and the role of vacation activities, experiences and sleep. Journal of Happiness Studies, 14(2), 613-633.

[8] Durko, A. M., & Petrick, J. F. (2013). Family and Relationship Benefits of Travel Experiences: A Literature Review. Journal of Travel Research, 52(6), 720-730.

[9] Kirillova, K., Lehto, X., & Cai, L. (2017). Tourism and Existential Transformation: An Empirical Investigation. Journal of Travel Research, 56(5), 638-650.

[10] Noy, C. (2004). This trip really changed me: Backpackers’ narratives of self-change. Annals of Tourism Research, 31(1), 78-102.

[11] Luh Sin, H. (2017). Selling ethics: Discourses of responsibility in tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 65, 1-13.

[12] de Bloom, J., Geurts, S. A., & Kompier, M. A. (2014). Vacation effects on behaviour, cognition and emotion of compulsive and non-compulsive workers: do obsessive workers go ‘cold turkey’?. Stress and Health, 30(3), 232-243.