What Does “Rawdogging a Flight” Mean and How to Do It in Style.

What Does “Rawdogging a Flight” Mean and How to Do It in Style.

Introduction: What’s All This About “Rawdogging a flight”?

Picture this: you’re on a plane, cruising at 35,000 feet, with no movies, no Wi-Fi, and not even a bag of peanuts to keep you entertained. Just you, the clouds, and the hum of the engines. Sounds a little nuts, right? But that’s exactly what rawdogging a flight is all about. It’s a trend that’s catching on with travelers who want to experience flying in its purest, most unplugged form—no distractions, just the journey. And what better place to try this bold rawdogging travel trend than Malta, the Mediterranean’s charming little paradise?

Origin of the Term Rawdogging

Okay, I know what you’re thinking—”rawdogging” doesn’t exactly sound like a travel term. Originally, it did have a, let’s say, more “adult” meaning. But thanks to some fearless travelers, the term now has a whole new twist. So, what does rawdogging a flight mean today? It’s all about going without the usual comforts of modern travel—no headphones, no movies, no e-books. You know, like camping… but in an airplane. It’s a badge of honor for those who dare to strip away all distractions and embrace the journey, discomforts and all.

What Is the Rawdogging Travel Trend?

Rawdogging a flight is essentially taking a break from all in-flight distractions. No movies, no music, and no books. You versus boredom—raw, unfiltered, and possibly transformative. Some call it a “dopamine detox,” and while it might sound like some kind of punishment, for many travelers, it’s actually a way to reconnect with the act of traveling itself. Plus, there are real mental benefits of rawdogging a flight. It’s a chance to disconnect from the constant stimulation we’re used to and, instead, just be present.

The Unwritten Rules of Rawdogging: What’s Allowed, What’s Not?

Now, how to rawdog a flight like a pro isn’t about total deprivation. Think of it more like a challenge to see just how minimalist you can go while still enjoying the experience. What’s allowed? Looking out the window—because there’s something uniquely peaceful about watching fluffy clouds drift by or seeing the sun set above the horizon. You can also chat with your neighbor, as long as they’re interested (pro tip: read the body language first). But what’s not allowed? Headphones, screens, and anything else that pulls you away from simply being in the moment. Rawdogging without in-flight entertainment is not easy—but hey, neither is yoga, and that’s also good for you.

Introducing Rawdogging (and Rawdogging Light)

Maybe you’re intrigued, but also thinking, “I don’t know if I can go all in.” That’s where rawdogging light comes in. It’s like the easy mode—take away most of the distractions, but keep one small comfort. Maybe it’s your favorite snack, a notebook to doodle in, or even just the airplane map to see where you are. Think of rawdogging light as dipping your toes into the minimalist lifestyle, rather than cannonballing straight into it.

Fun Things to Do While Rawdogging Light

Not sure you can handle full rawdogging? No worries—here are a few ideas to stay entertained while still keeping things simple:

  • Creative Writing: How about writing a story or a letter? Let your imagination run wild—after all, there’s no Wi-Fi to fact-check you.
  • Journaling: Reflect on your day or list out your future goals. Nothing like being 30,000 feet up to put things in perspective.
  • Origami: Pack some origami paper and make some little cranes or flowers. It’s oddly satisfying, and it gives you something to do with your hands.
  • Mindful Meditation: Close your eyes and breathe. Focus on each inhale and exhale—no distractions. It’s a great way to start your trip relaxed.
  • Memory Games: Test yourself. Can you name all the countries you’ve visited or all your favorite movies? How about cities that start with every letter of the alphabet?
  • Sketching: Draw whatever’s around you—the view from your window, the back of the seat in front of you, or the person snoring across the aisle.

The Mental Benefits of Rawdogging: A Digital Detox in the Sky

So why on earth would anyone want to rawdog a flight? It sounds boring, maybe even torturous, but there’s something liberating about being away from all your devices. Without the usual distractions, you’re left with just yourself and your thoughts. It’s almost meditative—kind of like those road trips as a kid when you watched the scenery roll by and let your mind wander.

Michael Ceely, a mindfulness expert, describes this kind of digital detox as an opportunity for mental clarity. Imagine it: no screens, no constant barrage of content—just the gentle hum of the engines and your own imagination. Rawdogging travel to Malta isn’t just a way to get through a flight; it’s a way to start your journey with a fresh mindset, almost like hitting a mental reset button before diving into your adventure.

And trust me, Malta is the perfect place to do that. With its incredible culture, warm sun, and stunning views, you’ll be ready to explore with a clear mind. Plus, there are so many fascinating things to learn—did you know that Mattia Preti’s influence can still be seen all over the island? Check out more about his works here.

How to Rawdog a Flight Like a Pro

If you’re ready to give this a shot, here’s how to rawdog a flight like a pro:

  1. Set a Goal: Make your flight more than just a journey. Maybe you want to come up with three new ideas or reflect on something important.
  2. Bring a Notebook: Jot down whatever comes to mind. Doodle. Plan your Malta itinerary—maybe even take a self-guided tour of the island’s best sights.
  3. Embrace the Boredom: Yes, boredom. When was the last time you just let your mind wander? Sometimes, boredom is where the best ideas are born.
  4. Look Around: The world is pretty fascinating if you really look. Whether it’s the changing sky outside or the interesting mix of people around you, there’s always something to notice.
  5. Talk to your partner!

And once you land, why not continue that authentic experience by staying in a Maltese home not in a sterile hotel? We have two great AirBnBs ready for you

Gzira AirBnB : 2 bedroom, great location, includes games room, 4 TVs, Authentic Maltese Balcony

💥Sliema AirBnB : Even better location, 1 bedroom, full kitchen, 3 TVs, Authentic Maltese Balcony💥

Conclusion: Ready to Rawdog Your Next Flight?

So, what do you think? Are you ready to rawdog your next flight, or maybe just dip your toes in with rawdogging light? It’s all about reconnecting with the simple pleasures of travel—feeling the journey instead of numbing it. And when your destination is as fantastic as Malta, you want to make every moment count.

Malta is waiting for you with its stunning views, rich history, and unforgettable experiences. Whether you’re diving into its culture or just soaking up the sun, Malta’s ready to welcome you with open arms. And after that minimalist flight, why not relax in comfort? Here’s a handy guide to Airbnbs in Malta to make your stay feel just like home.

Book your flight to Malta today, and embrace travel in its rawest form. See you in Malta—where adventure starts the moment you decide to leave the screen behind